Francis Drake Bowls Club is situated in the beautiful setting of Hilly Fields in Brockley, South London.
We are a friendly, successful club and we always welcome new members and guests.
Most Monday evenings we run a fun league where every player puts £1 in the pot and the winning team share the takings between them.
On Tuesday and Thursday from 2pm until about 5.30pm we have a roll up session where members play casual games with teams selected on the day and practice their skills.
On Wednesday evenings (from 6pm) and Sunday mornings (from 10.30am) we have more casual sessions which non-members are welcome to join in. Fee is £3 per session which includes loan of shoes and bowls if required.
Please note under fives are not allowed on the green and under 16s must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times
If you are a visiting bowls player or just fancy trying the game please come and visit us. Coaching and purposeful practice sessions can be pre-arranged with the club coaches at no additional charge.
Casual or experienced bowlers and new members most welcome. Qualified EBCS coaching available, equipment including bowls and regulation bowling shoes supplied.
During the outdoor season (which runs from late April to early October ) the club has regular casual roll ups, friendly
and league matches with mixed male & female teams, Kent competitions & individual club championships. See fixtures for more details.
This is a council owned facility and the grounds are maintained by Glendale. The club is run by the members headed by a small committee and in line with the club’s constitution. The green has set opening times dependent on club fixtures, the English weather and the availability of a key holding member but can also be used at other times when a key holding member is available.
All of the above are dependent on club matches/events and the English weather!